14 years agoAnswered:
14 years agoAnswered:
14 years agoAnswered:
14 years agoAnswered:
13 years agoSee: This addresses sample sizes and the weaknesses of the whole KAP survey idea. Survey scientists can be a childish bunch ... they often call KAP surveys "KRAP surveys" because the output is usually crap (defined as "the husk of grain; chaff; something of poor quality; something that is rubbish; nonsense; faeces; a euphemism for shit; useless object(s)" - wiktionary).
13 years agoHi Matt,
I just wanted to understand your response regarding KAP surveys. Does it mean doing a KAP survey is KRAP (crap) as stated? If this is the case, why? and what options are available?
7 years ago
See this thread on EN-NET
The link above does not seem to work?
7 years agoThank you all for your comprehensive conversation and updates. I am requesting anyone among you my learned friends to kindly send me the IYCF guide called Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices: Collecting and Using Data: A Step-by-Step Guide. Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, Inc, CARE 2010) via mail
7 years ago