Here is a new article on concurrent wasting and stunting (WaSt).

Key findings are:

(1) Prevalence of WaSt among underā€five children is the product of independent wasting and stunting plus an interaction term.

(2) Prevalence of WaSt peaks around age 18 months.

(3) Prevalence of WaSt is about 50% higher among boys than among girls before age 30 months (largely because their higher susceptibility to stunting) but not higher thereafter.

(4) Excess mortality associated with WaSt is the product of that associated with wasting and that associated with stunting.

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Dear Mark
Greeting to you ..
I have question regarding stunting 
Is it possible to find childern with sever stunting less than -3 due to nutritional causes without wasting in both MUAC and WFH especialy under 2 years age group , IF yes how can happen like that

thank you

Fahim alhakimi


4 years ago

I think the difficulty comes when ascribing causes. I am not quite sure what "nutritional causes" might or might not include. We usually see outcomes but are seldom around to see causes.

In early work by ENN's wasting and stunting group we found that stunting and wasting were associated with each other in many settings but that many children who were stunted were not also concurrently wasted. We see this in prevalence surveys were we often find a much higher prevalence of stunting than of wasting.

I do not see the cases you refer to as anomalous or paradoxical. Stunted children are short for their age. Weight and height are associated with each other so a stunted child is likely to have a low WFA. They are not, by necessity, required to have a low WFL/WFH but may have been wasted earlier in life and recovered their WFL/WFH (as wasting is acute condition).

Mark Myatt


4 years ago
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