Is there any estimates indicating proportion of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) will die if they do not get timely nutrition services/treatment?

Is there any estimates indicating proportion of children with Severe Acute Malnutrition (SAM) will die if they do not get timely nutrition services/treatment?

There are ways to estimate the proportion of children with SAM taht will die if they do not get timely nutritions services / treatment. Making this estimate is a key activity in cost effectiveness of CMAM programs. This is covered in my recent book.

I can share a PDF of this material if needed.

The basis of the estimation is also covered in this Field Exchange article

This article give p = c. 25%. The estimate requires us to know the mean MUAC at admission, the program cure rate, and the local background mortality in children and these will vary between programs and program settings.

The meothod is also outlined in reports of cost-effectiveness analysis of CMAM programs ... there are several in the pear-reviewed literature.

I hope this is of some help.

Mark Myatt
Technical Expert


3 years ago
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