I am a Lebanese Pharmacist and I am searching for a course in lactating and breastfeeding and Infant feeding in Emergencies 

What options do you have for me? And how can I be enrolled in these courses?

You will want to look at the work conducted by my colleagues Karleen Gribble and Aunchalee Palmquist.  If you need any help getting any of their articles, please just let me know and I will be happy to forward them to you.



2 years ago

Hi Alaa, also have a look here: Infant and young child feeding learning hub (iycfhub.org)

you have to register (for free) but once done, a wealth of info is there including courses.

Good luck, Mija



2 years ago

Hi Alaa,  As Mija mentioned the IYCFE Hub is a great place to find resources.

Also, I taking a guess from the word Medair included in your title that you might be part of the humanitarian health response?  If so, you can contact the nutrition sector coordinators (contacts here) to see if there are upcoming locally led courses that you can become involved with.

UNICEF has a few courses for IYCFE on their Agora platform including a short course on IYCFE https://agora.unicef.org/course/info.php?id=28674. These are free, you just have to register. 

(They have an entire Nutrition in Emergencies learning channel that you might be interested in.  https://agora.unicef.org/course/view.php?id=29130)

Hope that helps.  If none of this quite answers your needs you can contact the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance at https://ta.nutritioncluster.net/ and request support in the upper right hand corner and they could provide additional assistance.

Hope that helps!



2 years ago

Dear Alaa,

As Mija mentioned the IYCFE Hub is great for information.  iycfehub.org

I would recommend UNICEF Agora platform for an onlline training. They have a short course that gives a good overview of IYCFE.  https://agora.unicef.org/course/info.php?id=28674

I see the Medair in your profile and perhaps you're part of the humanitarian response?  If so, you can reach out to the Nutrition Sector to see if they have more in-depth or in-person trainings planned.  Their contact details are here:   https://www.humanitarianresponse.info/en/operations/lebanon/nutrition

If you need more support you can always reach out to the Global Nutrition Cluster Technical Alliance here: https://ta.nutritioncluster.net/ and hit the request support button on the top right.

Hope that helps!



2 years ago
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