I would like to reanalyse a very old nutrition survey from before 2000 but can't seem to work out how to open the old .rec files any more - does anyone know which software I may be able to use to access the data?
Hi Caroline
.rec files can be converted in R
2 years agoA few approaches:
(1) Try using EpiInfo for Windows which may be able to read .REC files directly.
(2) EpiData will read EpiInfo .REC files and convert than to Stata, SPSS, and SAS formats. Further conversion to othetr formnats can be cone with StatTranfer.
(3) ENA for SMARt and EpiInfo can read .REC fils and convert them to a number of spreadsheet formats which can be inmfomated into many stats packages.
(4) You can run the DOS version of EpiInfo (inlcuding EpiNut) using a PC emulator such as DosBox.
(5) The R library "foreign" lets you read .REC files in R. Further analysis can be helped by use of the "zscorer" library (calculates all sorts of z-scores) and the "bbw' library for estimating from two-stage cluster samples after:
and the "survey" library for estimating from complex sample data The "anthro" library might also be useful as it computes z-scores and estimates prevalence from complex sampled data).
The pratfall to avoid is that EpiNut calculates z-scores for the NCHS reference only. This is no longer commonly used for international nutrion work. If you software can read the .REC data file you may still need to recalculate z-scores (you can do this in R (see above) and Stata with the ZSCORE06 module). You may not need to do this if you want to use the pre-2006 anthropometrck standards.
I hope this is of some use.
2 years agoThanks Jay and Mark for having taken the time to reply. It has been really useful and I have managed to open the file. @Mark thanks for the warning - I want to reanalyze the data using the WHO standards as the original was indeed the NCHS.
Much appreciated - thanks.
2 years agoCaroline,
Glad to have helped.
Let me know if you need help with WGS z-scores ... or amything else with your data,
1 year ago