I am trying to make a presentation to discuss the increased in under 5 mortality trend during emergency (including disaster, war/conflict or others) and was wondering if anyone knows of any report that looks at specific country example (perhaps in Darfur)?
In part I am also interested in showing that undernutrition (wasting, stunting) further increases mortality in emergency.
Any suggestion/reference to different sources will be much appreciated.
Hi Anonymous 147
Review of Nutrition and Mortality Indicators for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) , Reference Levels and Decision-making , September 2009.
An Epidemiological Analysis of Malnutrition, Morbidity and Mortality Rates in the Darfur Humanitarian Crisis, Sudan 2003-2005
Hope they will help
Rogers Wanyama
12 years agoHello,
Here are some possible examples, especially the 1999 Congo mortality study.
Howe, P. (2010). Archetypes of Famine and Response. Disasters, 34(1), 30-54. doi: 10.1111/j.0361-3666.2009.01113.x
Roberts, L., & Despines, M. (1999). Mortality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Lancet, 353(9171), 2249-2250. doi: S0140-6736(05)76308-X [pii]
Roberts, L., & Toole, M. J. (1995). Cholera deaths in Goma. Lancet, 346(8987), 1431.
Teklehaimanot, A., Jabr, I., Paganini, A., Assefa, F., Degefie, T., Shibeshi, M., . . . Lattu, K. (2001). Mortality during a famine--Gode district, Ethiopia, July 2000. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep, 50(15), 285-288.
Vella, V., Tomkins, A., Borghesi, A., Migliori, G. B., Adriko, B. C., & Crevatin, E. (1992). Determinants of child nutrition and mortality in north-west Uganda. Bull World Health Organ, 70(5), 637-643.
And here are some references to articles that talk about this in general. The Young article HPN Paper 56 might be especially useful.
deWaal, A. (2005). Famine that Kills: Darfur, Sudan (2nd ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
Young, H., Borrel, A., Holland, D., & Salama, P. (2004). Public nutrition in complex emergencies. The Lancet, 364(9448), 1899-1909. doi: 10.1016/s0140-6736(04)17447-3
Young, H., & Jaspars, S. (2006). The Meaning and Measurement of Acute Malnutrition in Emergencies: A primer for decision-makers. HPN Network Paper, 56.
Young, H., & Jaspars, S. (2009). Review of Nutrition and Mortality Indicators for the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC): Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) Nutrition Cluster.
If you can't find the actual article for any of these, let me know through an email response.
Hope that helps
Merry Fitzpatrick
12 years agoDear Roger and Merry,
Thank you so much for sharing the information.
Merry, could I get your email address or should I email to en-net for further request on some articles?
12 years ago