FANTA UPDATE | March 2013 In this issue of the FANTA Update, we highlight some of the latest publications, events, and news from the Food and Nutrition Technical Assistance III Project (FANTA). All materials can be found on our website at A complete list of publications can be found in the attached catalog. Please send any comments, questions, or suggestions to us at our email address ------------------------------------------------------------ Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)/ Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SLEAC) Technical Reference FANTA, in collaboration with Valid International, Action Against Hunger, Concern Worldwide, Tufts University, and Brixton Health, has developed a technical reference guide for two new low-resource coverage assessment methods for evaluating access and coverage of Community-Based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM) and other selective feeding programs. The first method—Semi-Quantitative Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SQUEAC)—combines routine program monitoring data, an array of qualitative information, and small-sample quantitative surveys. The second method—Simplified Lot Quality Assurance Sampling Evaluation of Access and Coverage (SLEAC)—is a small-sample quantitative method that can be used to map and estimate coverage over large areas. The technical reference is available at [url][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------ BMI and BMI-for-Age Look-Up Tables for Children and Adolescents 5–18 Years of Age and BMI Look-Up Tables for Non-Pregnant, Non-Lactating Adults = 19 Years of Age, Revised January 2013 These tables are a quick reference for health care providers to use to help determine the nutritional status of children over 5 years of age; adolescents; and non-pregnant, non-lactating adults. Practice exercises are available to assist health care providers in using the tables. The tables are available in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Originally published in 2012, a new version of the tool is available with corrected look-up tables. Please replace old versions of the look-up tables with the files available at [url][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------ Report of Formative Research Conducted to Inform Mercy Corps’ PM2A Program in Guatemala This report details the results of the formative research conducted in collaboration with Mercy Corps on its Preventing Malnutrition in Children under 2 Approach (PM2A) program—Programa Comunitario Materno Infantil de Diversificación Alimentaria (PROCOMIDA) (Maternal and Child Community Food Diversification Program). The inclusion of formative research in the design phase of a program allows local needs, beliefs, and perceptions to be incorporated into program activities to achieve maximum impact. The report is available to download in English and Spanish at [url][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------ Translations Now Available Now Available in French: Renforcement et évaluation de l’approche Prévention de la Malnutrition chez les enfants de moins de 2 ans (PM2A) au Burundi : Rapport initial [url][/url] Technical Note No. 13, Définition de l’Approche Evaluation, Conseil et Soutien Nutritionnels (NACS) [url][/url] Now available in Spanish: Inseguridad alimentaria en el hogar y situación nutricional de las mujeres en edad reproductiva y de los niños menores de 5 años en cinco departamentos del altiplano occidental de Guatemala: Análisis de los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Salud Materno Infantil del 2008-2009 en Guatemala [url][/url] ------------------------------------------------------------ To be removed from this listserv, send any message to: ------------------------------------------------------------ FANTA works to improve and strengthen nutrition and food security policies, strategies, programs, and systems through technical support to the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its partners, including host country governments, international organizations, and nongovernmental organization implementing partners. FANTA aims to improve the health and well-being of vulnerable groups through technical support in the areas of maternal and child health and nutrition in development and emergency contexts, HIV and other infectious diseases, food security and livelihood strengthening, agriculture and nutrition linkages, and emergency assistance in nutrition crises. FANTA develops and adapts approaches to support the design and implementation of country-level programs, while building on field experience to improve and expand the evidence base, methods, and global standards for nutrition and food security programming. The project, managed by FHI 360 and funded by USAID, is a 5-year cooperative agreement.
Please also tell us how to proceed the survey in those areas where the program is closed and we need the qualitative data for SQUEAC. what will be the procedure for collecting this data. moreover also tell us about the sample size and most important estimation of coverage through point and period coverage.


11 years ago
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