The Action against Hunger Link NCA Technical Unit is willing to expand its analysts’ roster and incubate new profiles. We are looking for candidates who will spend 4 months in the field with ACF or one of our partner INGO/agency in order to undertake a Link NCA study.

The Link NCA is a holistic comprehensive mixed method (quanti, quali, participatory, consensus based) aiming at analysing the multi-causality of undernutrition as a starting point for improving the relevance and effectiveness of multisectoral nutrition security programming in a given context. You can learn more about the methodology by consulting our website:

In the field, you will be positioned under the responsibility of the country team (Link NCA implementing organization NOT ONLY ACF). You will be in charge of:

• Conducting a Link NCA (by following the methodology) with the technical support of the Link NCA Technical Unit
• Managing the local Link NCA study team
• Representing and liaise with Link NCA stakeholders (authorities, agencies, technical experts, academics, NGOs, OSIs…)
• Working closely with the communities (at the heart of inquiry process)
• Contributing to Link NCA capitalization and methodological improvement

The Applicant:
• You hold a Master’s degree in Social Sciences or in a field relevant to ACF expertize with a strong sensitivity and knowledge in regard of qualitative methods.
• You developed multi sectoral understanding of malnutrition.
• You proved experience undertaking field surveys or studies.
• You have a good understanding of project cycle management and programming.
• You benefit from at least 3 years’ experience in developing countries and you are able to work and live in isolated setting for a few weeks.
• You are able to link up and exchange with different type of stakeholders (authorities, agencies, NOGs, CSOs, academics, experts…) and to facilitate multi-actor consultations.
• You have excellent oral and written capacities in English and/or French.

Status: The status will depend on the employer’s conditions. We can only share ACF’s general conditions here. In ACF, gross monthly salary is ranging from €1805 to €2305 depending on relevant experience. Food and hygiene expenses, per diem, transportation costs, collective accommodation and medical insurance are provided. 25 days of annual paid leaves and 20 days of rest and recuperation (R&R) per year.

Duration: a Link NCA lasts in general 4 months.

To apply, please visit our website:

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