ELEVATE Nutrition is USAID’s flagship multisectoral nutrition activity that advances the local implementation of high-quality nutrition programs and policies to improve the nutritional status of women and children, particularly in the first 1,000 days. Its focus is on bridging the gap between global evidence and local implementation. A five-year cooperative agreement (October 2023–September 2028), ELEVATE Nutrition was co-designed by the Bureau for Global Health (GH); Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security (REFS); and the Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA), and focuses on nutrition technical priority areas across the three Bureaus. FHI 360 leads ELEVATE Nutrition with a consortium of strategic partners, including Action Against Hunger/Action Contre la Faim. The Elevate project has for overall objective to advance the local implementation of high-quality, multisectoral nutrition programs and policies for women and children.

In order to address evidence needs on dietary approaches for managing MAM, including decision-making around targeting based on risk criteria, AAH/ACF is looking for a consultant/team of consultants to deliver a State of Evidence Report and a programmatic guidance on Cash and Voucher Assistance (CVA) to prevent and manage Moderate Acute Malnutrition. The assignment will be completed following three main steps (details in ToR attached) : a literature/desk review, key informant interviews with implementers of CVA for Nutrition, and a series of workshops with stakeholders to feed into a programmatic guidance on CVA for MAM prevention and management.

Deadline to apply: 28 JUNE 2024 

More details available here : Call for Consultants

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