Dear colleagues,

I am  looking to a model/ criteria to qualify the follow up service for Small and nutritinally vulnerable <6M infants as adequate or inadequate. Does anyone have an idea or can recommend any source that can help?

Thanks in advance

Dear Maha,

I am not completely clear what it is you are looking for - but if you wish to assess the quality of a follow-up monitoring visit for mother-infant pairs enrolled in to the MAMI Care Pathway, I'd suggest to create a supervision checklist. This does not yet exist that I am area of, but would likely include the critical aspects that a health worker should complete at a follow-up visits and could be completed as a spot-check by supervisors, for example:

- infant checked for IMCI danger signs

- infant's growth, feeding and maternal mental are monitored

- relevant counselling is provided e.g. tailored to specific challenges and actions agreed, in line with counselling SOP (there are existing checklists to check the quality of a 1-1 counselling e.g. good listening skills, empathy, non-judgemental, heads in line, no barriers, patient, small amount of info provided)

- Frequency of visits is assessed and next visit date is agreed

- If infant is 6 months of age, 6-month of age outcome review is completed with relevant referrals to continued services made



3 years ago

Maha - Are you looking for markers/metrics to assess the quality of care after enrolment, or markers to assess the development of the infant recieving supportive care?


3 years ago

Thank you Alice and Hatty for your inputs. You are right maybe I didn't make it clear what exactly that I am looking for. However you both responded in the same line. Actually I am looking for tools/model to qualify a single/individual follow up as adequate or not and also to qualify the collective follow up service provided by a site /location as adequate or not.

Qualifying an individual follow up would , as Alice mentioned, be done  by a check list. I understand that I can for example take the MAMI follow up form and make a check list out of it. Some of the items that will be included were mentioned by Alice.  Yet I posed the question to know if there is a check list already done for this purpose that I am not aware of.

Secondly, I am looking to some standards to collectively qualify a site providing Follow up service, for nutritionally vulnerable <6m, as proving adequate or inadequate service. I suppose such evaluation as adequate / inadequate  would involve the facility; equipment ; number of staff; privacy; percentage of infants weighed; percentage of women asked about depressive symptoms.....etc I understand that such standards will differ from one country to the other according to the service provided , but I am looking to anything that I can use as a guide.

I appreciate any insight on this. Thanks a lot



3 years ago

Hi Maha,

It may be useful to take a look at COMPASS Module, navigate to 'Nutrition' and you'll find the MAMI Module.

If you go to 'Auditing Activity' you'll find:

- MAMI Monitoring List

- Supervision Quality Benckmarks 

I hope these may be helpful for you to adapt for your needs.



3 years ago

Thank you Alice , this is very useful



3 years ago
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