In June 2024, the World Public Health Nutrition Association (WPHNA) are hosting an international congress in London, partnering with the University of Westminster. It will provide a forum to discuss local, national and global nutrition and health issues, and to explore new research on potential solutions to the hunger crisis.

They want to hear from as many individuals, mothers and family carers, community leaders, community groups, non-government organisations, academics and health workers and activists for the right to food, nutrition, and health as possible. 

All are welcome to raise their voices and share their views. Your inputs will contribute to the Congress recommendations which will feed into future global actions and policies. 

A film will be created from the submissions to be aired during the congress and the issues raised will be analysed and collected into a poster to be presented at the final congress plenary.

There are two main areas being explored in relation to food security: 

  • Your experiences of feeding yourselves, your family and your community
  • What are your experiences, practices and perceptions on infant and young child feeding, in the last three years?

For more information and to share your experience, visit the website here: Home - WPHNC 2024 - Community Conversations (

Submission deadline: 30 April 2024

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