Relapse After Recovery from Severe Acute Malnutrition: Presentation of Research Findings and Discussion of Implications 

On December 15, global experts in severe acute malnutrition (SAM) treatment gathered to learn and discuss the latest research results on SAM recovery and post-discharge outcomes from new multi-country panel study.

Findings from nested sub-studies on how microbiome, enteric infection, immune function, WASH, seasonality, context, costing, and geospatial factors relate to SAM recovery and relapse were revealed. Attendees also discussed whether and when SAM relapse is a problem, what is and is not driving sustained recovery, financial implications, and more.

To watch the event recordings, click here

The recordings are broken up into a series of shorter clips that correspond with each session of the event agenda.  Feel free to watch the whole event or navigate to certain sessions most relevant to your interests.

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